
What Chemicals in The Brain Cause Emotions – Happy and Sad Feelings

Like it or not, emotions share some very real chemicals in the brain links with your nervous, endocrine, immune and digestive systems. Isn’t it time you learned something about how your emotion develop from chemicals that affect the brain and where did they come from?

The mind communicates by transmitting chemicals in the brain, that causes various emotion from one neuron, or nerve, to the other. There are various types of chemicals in a human’s brain. Each chemical cause emotions by various triggers. Chemicals in the brain are neurotransmitters.

Chemicals in the Brain

The human body has many chemicals elements that make it functions. For the brain, these chemicals are called neurotransmitter. These chemicals fall into two basic categories: excitatory that stimulate brain activity. Another category is inhibitory that has a more calming effect. Let’s look into a few common brain chemicals and how they impact your emotions.

1. Serotonin

What chemicals in the brain cause emotions? This substance is a part of chemicals in the brain that plays a role in sleep and in depression. It acts as inhibitory influencing many of your body’s essential functions. It builds up your desire to have emotions including appetite, arousal, and mood. Therefore, many antidepressants target the serotonin receptors to improve your mood and lessen depressive symptoms.

Interestingly, most of your serotonin is in the intestine, and this chemical may play a role in digestive functioning as well. That is the reason for the butterfly in your stomach when you are feeling nervous. If you are in a good mood, you’ve got serotonin to thank for. And if you are in a bad mood, serotonin is to blame.

Everyone has Serotonin in their brain. However, you can make Serotonin by using amino acid L-tryptophan by a short metabolic pathway of two enzymes: amino acid decarboxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase. Scientists can recreate this chemical in the brain by using Psilocybe coprophila and Aspergillus niger as catalysts.

2. Dopamine

Dopamine controls human behavior, emotion, and cognition. This chemical also communicates with the front part of your brain, that arouses the emotion of pleasure and reward. On the positive side, it motivates you to work achieving a reward. However, on the other side, it leads to some drug and alcohol addiction. Some drugs target this part of the brain for the disturbing craving of illegal drugs.

Dopamine exists naturally in the human body. However, scientists can produce this chemical. it builds up as an injectable drug such as Intropin, Dopastat, and Revimine to treat certain illnesses affecting the nervous system. You can have this chemical naturally from the brain, but you can have it also in several areas. These areas include substantia nigra, the ventral tegmental area, the arcuate nucleus, the zona incerta, hypothalamus, and the periventricular nucleus. 

3. Norepinephrine

What chemicals in the brain cause emotions? This chemical among other chemicals in the brain act as a hormone. People call this chemical as noradrenaline, with its primary role as part of your body’s stress response. It works together with hormone adrenaline to create the “fight-or-flight” feeling. This compound should be able to have a calming effect on human nature. It is also an important part in drugs to raise hormones in dealing with stress issues and also to maintain blood pressure in certain illnesses.

4. Ketamine

One of the most exciting, recent findings for treatments depression discovery that ketamine appears to counteract depression in a matter of hours. This substance enables human to feel relax and ease. Although ketamine may be an alternative treatment for many patients with a major depressive disorder, it hasn’t been thoroughly studied for long-term safety and effectiveness. In addition, many government drug inspection hasn’t approved it to specifically treat mood disorders. Nevertheless, some clinics are providing “off-label” treatments with this chemicals.

5. Oxytocin

Oxytocin is the neurochemical that creates emotions that allowed us to become social creatures. It drives us to feel empathy which helps us feel close and bonded to others when this chemical is released.

It is also a chemical that highly related to feeling love. A deficiency with this chemical in our body can lower our productivity and ability to communicate. Oxytocin hormones function for both man and woman due to physical and eye contact with other people. Keep eye contact with other people and get your boost of oxytocin and stay healthy. If you have this chemical in your system on a high level, you are very happy persons. 

6. Endorphins

Endorphin is another chemical relate to happiness. It is responsible for masking pain or discomfort emotion, which explains their association with the “fight or flight” response. When it comes to designing happiness, endorphins help you to power through. In the example of athletes, this natural endorphin allows pushing farther and harder towards distance goals. It also creates problematic issues, where a shot of endorphin on competition to force the human system to work unnaturally to gain wins.

Endorphins cause really good mood and provide energy to “go an extra mile”, decreasing the feeling of being tired. Moreover, in some way it is a kind of chemicals that makes you high. It is a very important chemical, that keeps human going in spite of being tired and hungry. Deficiency of this substance causes mood swings and create negative contrasting emotions.

Endorphins can also happen when we play video games. You have a boost of this substance when we are overcoming difficult challenges and achieving new goals. This emotion happens in situations, that provide satisfaction.

Emotions are very complex and have different meanings to people. Emotions are a conscious experience that is categorized by states of mind that happen naturally. Induce of these chemicals in the brain you can gain by taking shots, consumes pills or even eating chocolate that can make you feel better. Emotions affect the decisions we make daily and help to shape the person that we are. The study of the neuro system and what happens in the brain actually can help people of boosting their positive emotions and handling their bad ones.

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