
18 List of Banned Chemicals in Kenya – Restricted Substances

Every country in this world has their own regulations when they decide to band chemicals. In addition, many developing countries need these substances to support their agriculture and other industries. It also depends on how the country values their people health and environment apart to their industry.

However, in some developing country like Kenya, you may find some difference. Hazardous chemicals banned in the United States you may find it not banned in Kenya. Therefore, the list of banned chemicals in Kenya may differ from most developed countries.

As Kenya continues on its path of development, and use of chemicals is likely to be the most significant factor. However, the magnitude of this impact will depend on the volume, quality, and quantity of the chemicals reaction to human and environment. Moreover, the country already recognizes more than 350,000 cases of pesticide poisoning occur yearly in their agriculture. Therefore, Kenya bans several harmful Chemicals fertilizer and pesticides.

Banned Chemicals in Kenya

Kenya government has many department monitoring chemicals use, waste, and regulations. It involves the minister of Industry, Waste Management, Environment, Water Treatment, Health and Sanitary and so on. The country even establishes awards to support companies to maintain a healthy working condition. Moreover, the Kenya government also bans some chemicals due to their effect on humans and the environment. So, here they are :

1. 2,4,5 T (2,4,5 –Trichlorophenoxybutyric acid)

This toxic chemical is common among farmers as Herbicide. This synthetic chemical has no natural substance it and makes it even more deadly. It has orange feature and contaminates the soil with is agricultural usages.

2. 5 Isomers of Hexachlorocyclo-hexane (HCH)

This Fungicide or pesticides for fungus is banned in Kenya. It has many series and variation which are extremely dangerous for human and environment.

3. Aldrin

you can find Aldrin in the list of toxic chemicals restricted for Import and Export due to its toxicity. This agriculture pesticide has no color and no odor. The typical element of toxic chemicals. It harms the soil and also the human body.

4. Benomyl, Carbofuran, and Thiram combinations

Is a dust like powder formulations that contains a combination of Benomyl above 7%, Carbofuran above 10% and Thiram above 15%. They create triple problems and very toxic among other chemicals banned in Kenya.

5. Binapacryl

Binapacryl is an acaricide in agricultural use with colorless crystal powder with a faint aromatic odor. It is very dangerous for the human that can cause infertility or the unborn child. Moreover, it affects human metabolism and respiration. In addition, it is also a danger to the environment, it pollutes the water in a long lasting period.

6. Captafol

Many countries include Kenya ban this substance. It exchanges and of all items. This pesticides and fungusides and it is banned for manufacture, import, sale, and use. 

7. Chlordane

This insecticide has been banned since 1986 in Kenya. Chlordane has a similar compound to heptachlor and nonachlor. It has no natural compound in it. Therefore it has a various negative effect on both human and environment. It causes cancer, diabetes, and obesity for the human. Moreover, it causes bioaccumulation because this chemical degrades in soil.

8. Chlordimeform

This chemical is one of substance that farmers can’t use in Kenya. The government list this List of Banned Agricultural Chemicals. in the country due to its major impact both for people that handle it or the surrounding environment.

9. DDT (Dichlorodiphenyl Trichloroethane)

It is a well known hazardous chemical widely for agricultural purpose.  This chemical with formula C14H9Cl5, is an effective pesticide that controls typhus and malaria. However, it is extremely hazardous for the environment and humans. DDT is water-insoluble and becomes more toxic within the higher level in the food chain.

10. Dieldrin

This chemical is widely used insecticide in Kenya before they put a ban on it in 2004. It is among the long list of toxic chemical severely banned for export and import.

11. Dinoseb and Dinoseb salts

This orange-brown liquid chemicals also come in solid form. It has an orange crystals shape when it is pure. Dinoseb has a pungent odor with high usage in agriculture. In additions, it acts as a plant growth regulator, insecticide, and herbicide. This chemical pollutes the water with a corrosiveness to mild steel. Moreover, it is also a substance to make plastic, wood materials, food packaging, rubber products, toys, and so much more. It is fatal when someone inhales, swallow, or even come in contact with skin. Therefore, this chemical is banned in Kenya.

12. DNOC and its salts such as (Salt, Potassium salt & Sodium Salt)

All of these chemical substances are highly dangerous. Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide 2004

13. Ethyl Parathion

This substance in an insecticide is very dangerous. The Kenya government bans all formulations for this substance except for capsule suspensions. 

14. Ethylene dibromide

This Soil and also pest control fumigant receives a ban from the Kenya government in 1986. Moreover, this internationally known chemical for its dangerous chemicals is highly poisonous for both human and environment.

15. Heptachlor

This dangerous chemical receives many poor reviews from many countries. Hence, they ban this substance entering in their country. This insecticides is also banned in Kenya. Moreover, it forbid the chemical for manufacture, import, export sale, and use.

16. Methyl Parathion

This insecticide mostly for crops is very dangerous chemicals. This chemicals stay in the crops and also poison people who consume it. All formulations from this chemicals, you can’t use this substance in Kenya for manufacture, use, import or export.

17. Monocrotophos

This Insecticide/Acaricide is very toxic, especially as soluble liquid formulations it can damage soil and water with contaminations. Monocrotophos has no color with a mild ester odor.  It has crystal shapes with a reddish-brown solid chemical. It is toxic due to its effect on genetic defects. This dangerous chemicals also explode in contact with the heat of a fire and emits toxic fumes.

18. Toxaphene (Camphechlor)

The world bans this chemical and made on the list of internationally banned chemicals including in Kenya. This toxic chemical has a dangerous reaction of chlorine gas and camphene, and insecticide and ectoparasite controller.

Other chemicals banned in Kenya include :

  • Chlorobenzilate
  • Pentachlorophenol
  • Dibromochloropropane
  • Mercury Compounds
  • Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
  • Ethylene Dichloride
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • Fluoroacetamide

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