Study is not being something will make you bored. It convinced by some experts who have gotten to reach the highest level of their study. They thought that study has supported their researches and analytical skills.
So, how about B.Sc in Chemistry graduated? Do they have ability to do the same thing as the experts do? The answer is yes where the B.Sc in Chemistry graduated available to continue their study by taking the best courses such as:
1. Analytical
The basic skill that must be had by a B.Sc Chemistry graduated is Analytic. Therefore, there are related courses such as:
Analytical Chemistry is a part of chemistry field which is managing all processes about structure and composition of chemistry cases. Surely, you always do the research for everything which is including in such chemistry matter.
Instrumental Analysis has the some field with the Analytical Chemistry. Therefore, it will let you to get the deepest understanding about analytical skill
There you go:
Applications of Analytical Chemistry in Daily Life
2. Biology
One of a life-knowledge such Biology can be related to B.Sc Chemistry graduated. There are some courses which have more benefits as follows:
Biochemistry or biological chemistry is the course for analyzing the combination process of cellular and molecular. Generally, you will learn about chemical science and life science in the same time by combining both methodological.
There you go:
Applications of Biochemistry in Daily Life
This course has focused on analyzing, testing, developing products about bio-sciences itself, and how to reach the large amount of customers. On the other words, Bio-sciences has specifically order on “marketing development”.
Especially for this course, you will grow up the entire product about the living things. Moreover, you have to learn about technological applied to create the new products from living organisms and others in specific needs.
There you go:
Why Do Biologists Need to Have a Good Understanding of Chemistry?
3. Chemistry
As a B.Sc Chemistry graduated, you can choose the “original version” of the chemistry courses itself, they are:
According to that name, Applied Chemistry concerns on chemical basic knowledge which is applied in the real life. In addition, Applied Chemistry is a course which is focused on how chemistry works.
- Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
In this course, Chemistry has divided into two fields such as organic and inorganic chemistry. For Organic Chemistry, you will learn about properties, structures, compositions, the synthesis of organics’ compounds and its reactions on carbon-containing.
Meanwhile, Inorganic Chemistry is focused on all of structured-built by mineral, metals, and the organometallics’ compounds.
There you go: 10 Useful
Examples of Inorganic Chemistry in Everyday Life
Theoretical Chemistry is a course about all of the chemical things such as chemical bonding, valence, reaction, orbitals, and so on.
4. Medicine
If you are willing to work as healthcare, you can choose these courses to support your good future, they are:
- Drug and Medical Chemistry
If you let yourself to be a healthcare, you have to choose these courses when you graduated as B.Sc in Chemistry. This field is focused on all about medical needs.
If you decide to take this course, you must be ready to spend your day in the laboratory.
Moreover, you will learn about the things and medical stuffs such as the components of pharmacology, biomedical, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics.
There you go:
Jobs in Pharmacy
5. Physics
Physics is being a part of related skill in chemistry field. There are some courses that may be important to choose, such as Physical and Materials Chemistry.
Those are the courses which will be the best for good future after completing B.Sc in Chemistry. Which course that might be interested?