8 Inorganic Toxic Substances in Water – Water Pollutants

Water is a critical source of living organism. Without water, the organism will not be able to survive.

However, as industry keeps growing, most of them prefer to dump their chemical waste on water. Hence, there are many toxic substances spread in water including list of inorganic water pollutants. These chemicals may affect the ecosystem and some may be relatively harmless. Nonetheless, toxic chemical is always bring defect to water quality.

Here is the list of inorganic toxic substances in water.

  1. DDT

The first chemical that ever caused chaos within environment is DDT. DDT was a famous pesticide to kill unwanted insects and plants that may endanger the crops. It is an inorganic compound with no smell and often colorless. The chemical is non selective pesticide and often is water insoluble.

The fact why DDT is very dangerous especially if it contaminates the water, the chemical will bioaccumulate within the body.

It will keep accumulating until the highest organism of food chain. The accumulation can kill the organism or cause defect. Human as the highest in the food chain is also in danger when they consume water organism that accumulated DDT within their body.

  1. Arsenic

Another chemical that polluted the water is Arsenic. Arsenic is an inorganic compound that often used in heavy industry. It is also a waste production after manufacturing of certain products. This chemical is very toxic both for human and environment.

Arsenic compound that contaminated the water will start to poison water organism. And when human eats these water organisms, the hazard will transfer to the human. The health hazards it possess are allergy, digestion problem, internal organ damage, and the last is death. There are many cases where arsenic ruins the water and expose all living beings to danger.

  1. Chlorine

In water purifying system, chlorine is often used to get rid of bacteria and dirts in water. Because of its strong anti bacteria and coagulant, many public swimming pool usually use it when they want to flush and change the water. Moreover, drinking water also uses it when they want to purify the water.

The intensity of chlorine in water will cause imbalance on the ecosystem as it is also among Toxic Chemical Found in Gold Coast Water. Chlorine encourages the growth of algae. Algae sucks out the oxygen within the water and make other water organism dying for lack of oxygen. Moreover, water with too much chlorine is too toxic to consume as it may have imbalance pH that affects indigestion and other health problems. Chlorine contaminated water is very commonly found in many water sites.

  1. Copper Sulfate

Copper sulfate is common herbicide to get rid of algae in aquarium. It is very effective to stop algae’s growth. Many herbicide producers use copper sulfate as the ingredients of their herbicide. That is why it is common to find water, especially one coming from aquarium, that contains copper sulfate.

This substance in low level of water is generally safe. However as this inorganic compound is also toxic, excessive amount of copper sulfate my also affects other living organism in water. It may kill not only algae but other living organisms as the water lack the nutrient and balanced Ph. 

  1. Fluoride

The next chemical that becomes one of common water pollutants is fluoride. Fluoride is often found in chemical in toothpaste. The function of fluoride is to prevent tooth decay. Even though it is beneficial for mouth health, it does not mean the waste it comes from is harmless.

The fluoride that goes into water contaminates and become toxic to living organism in water. It may cover the nutrients in the water, making it difficult for fish and water plants to get proper nutrients. Thus, some organisms may be in danger due to fluoride contaminate its living habitat. A purification system may what people need to purify water from fluoride contamination.

  1. Lead

Lead is a metallic compound under symbol Pb in periodic table. It is well-known that Lead is one of the most toxic chemicals in the world. Yet, it is still available for heavy industry. Its waste from a factory may get thrown to the water and caused pollution.

Since lead is very toxic, living organism including human are in danger because lead is not suitable to be inside of living being’s body. If they are inside the body, there are several health problems that can occur such as nausea, birth defect, miscarriage, cancer and lead to death. This is why factories should never throw their chemical waste to the water, particularly one that contain Lead. Lead is also among banned chemicals in United States

  1. Mercury

Aside from Lead, a heavy chemical that pollutes the water is mercury. There are several studies that found that most sea water contains mercury. Mercury in water is a result of chemical waste from factories similar to how Lead pollutes water.

Research found shellfish and fish in the sea contain mercury. Some irresponsible people also sell dead shellfish due to mercury and mask it as healthy ones. Health hazards that mercury can cause is gastrointestinal problem, internal organ damage, cancer and lead to death. This is why government should provide regulation to prevent illegal use and chemical waste by irresponsible party just like

  1. Formaldehyde

The next substance in the list of inorganic toxic chemical in water is formaldehyde. Formaldehyde has many uses for industry including preservation. So far, many companies indulge in the use of formaldehyde to the point that the water becomes contaminated with it.

As a result, fish, water plants, and any living being in the water are in danger as formaldehyde may interrupts with the absorption of nutrition. Moreover, formaldehyde is also dangerous for human health as it can cause irritation, skin rashes, to internal organ damage. Indeed, that’s all the list of inorganic toxic substances in water.


Due to the many toxic chemicals contaminate the water, it is important for several parties including government, company, and people in general to be able to reduce the greater effect of it in the future.