
5 Side Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide in Ear Treatment

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a chemical compound that is categorized as a weak acid. It was first discovered by Louis Jacques Thenard in 1818. Hydrogen peroxide can be found in the form of a colorless liquid that is slightly more viscous than water and has no scent.

Hydrogen peroxide also serves as a strong oxidizing agent. One of the characteristic that differs Hydrogen peroxide from other oxidizing agents is that it is environment-friendly because Hydrogen peroxide does not leave any hazardous residue. The oxidizing strength of Hydrogen peroxide can also be set according to needs. Also read: Hydrogen Peroxide Applications

Making of Hydrogen Peroxide

Most of the making of Hydrogen peroxide is using the autoxidation process. There are 4 steps of making hydrogen peroxide that can be seen as below.

  1. Hydrogenation of Anthraquinone
  2. Oxidizing the Anthraquinol
  3. Extraction of Hydrogen peroxide solution
  4. Purification and concentrating the Hydrogen peroxide

Also read: Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide for Health and Beauty

Usage of Hydrogen Peroxide for the Ear

Some usage of Hydrogen peroxide for the ear can be seen as listed below.

  1. Eardrop for earwax removal

One of the usage of Hydrogen peroxide is that it is widely used as an eardrop to soften earwax so that it is easier to clean in the ear irrigation process. The concentration of Hydrogen peroxide that is used as an eardrop is approx. 3%.

  1. Treatment of ear infection

Cause of ear infections can be virus, bacteria, or even fungi. Virus is the most common cause of ear infection. Ear infections cause swelling of the Eustachian tube that opens the middle ear into the pharynx. When that happens, in can lead to infections of other parts of the ear canal.

The infections that may occur include otitis media, externa, and interna that affects the middle, outer, or inner ear respectively. Most children are infected by otitis media because they have narrower Eustachian tubes. Also read: Oxidizing Material Effects for Health and Environment

  1. Aftercare in healing piercings

If you get your ear a new piercing, you would have a wound that may get infected by Staphylococcus aureus. Rubbing the new pierced area could prevent it from infections. 

Side Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide in Ear

Using Hydrogen Peroxide for the ear in the right amount is considered safe to use. But, using it in higher concentration can cause harm as it is used for industrial purposes.

An over dose of Hydrogen peroxide can also damage the ear, especially if it is the infection of the middle ear or if there’s an underlying perforation of the ear drum. It can also cause mastoiditis when it enters the mastoid cavity and middle ear.

Such, it is recommended to consult and using Hydrogen peroxide solution under the supervision of medical professionals or doctor. Also read: Hydrogen Uses in Everyday Life

The potential side effects of Hydrogen peroxide for the ear can be seen as listed.

  1. Ear pain
  2. Effusion of fluid from the ear
  3. Partial deafness
  4. Hypersensitivity
  5. Mastoiditis

Thereby the explanations of what is Hydrogen peroxide, how to make it, its usage for the ear, and side effects of using it. Hopefully it is useful to all of us.

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