A-Z List of Elements in Alphabetical Order – Names and Symbols

The elements in chemistry gradually increase as more research on chemical compound keep inventing new compound. The benefit of chemical elements ranges variously from industrial uses, home use, agriculture, pharmaceutical, and environment as shown in Importance of Chemistry in Environment.

In order to be able to distinguish each elements along with the characteristics it has, chemists list the order of the elements into alphabetical thus not only chemists but ordinary people will get it easier to look up for the elements needed. Below is the list of elements in alphabetical order.

  1. Actinium (Ac)

Here are the list of elements in alphabetical order. Actinium is the first element in periodic table based on alphabetical order. It has the symbol Ac with atomic number 89. Common use of actinium is for radioteraphy agent and research purpose. It has no industrial use given to its rarity and radioactivity. Also read Properties and Uses of Actinium

  1. Aluminium (Al)

Aluminium is the next element in periodic table. It has the symbol Al and atomic number 13. Common use of aluminium is as beneficial materials in industry. Many products are from aluminium such as cans, foils, utensils, until aeroplane parts. As for biological role, aluminium has no any biological role.

  1. Americium (Am)

Americium is less known than the former two elements. It has the symbol of Am and atomic number 95. This element has important role in smoke detector device as well as potential of plutonium substitute in battery and nuclear development. As the name suggests, americium is invented in United States of America.

  1. Antimony (Sb)

An element whose symbol is different from its name is Antimony with symbol Sb. The atomic number of this element is 51. The uses of antimony range from batteries, flame proof material, paints, ceramic, pottery and many more. Antimony has high boiling level that makes it good for flame ressistant material.

  1. Argon (Ar)

The next element in periodic table is Argon. The element symbol of Argon is Ar and the atomic number 18. Some of the uses of argon include fluorescent light bulb filliing, arc welding and semiconductor. The characteristic of argon is quite solid to shield a material from atmospheric gases.

  1. Arsenic (As)

Arsenic is a well-known compound people perceive as poison, but it actually has other uses. The element in periodic table has symbol As and atomic number 33. Other uses of arsenic include insecticide, semiconductor, and wood preservative.

  1. Astatine (At)

The next list of elements in alphabetical order after arsenic is astatine with element symbol At. Astatine has atomic number 85. As for the use of astatine, it is not widely used. The most common use of astatine is for cancer treatment and radioactive tracer. Also, direct contact to astatine can result in accumulation.

  1. Barium (Ba)

Barium is a well known element known for its use as green color in firework. This element has symbol Ba and atomic number 56. The compound also has other uses include additive in oil well drilling and ray radiocontrast agent. Related to: Fireworks Elements

  1. Berkelium (Bk)

Berkelium has Bk as the symbol as well as atomic number 97. The uses of berkelium only limited to research purpose. It has neither biological or commercial use due to its high toxicity and rarity. However, berkelium does present and is included in periodic table.

  1. Berrylium (Be)

Berrylium is another rare element with symbol Be. The atomic number of berrylium is 4. This compound is toxic as well as carcinogenic that can cause incurable inflammation. The use of berrylium only limited to industrial production of alloys along with copper or nickel. 

Other Elements in Periodic Table (Alphabetical Order)

Her e is the full list of elements in alphabetical order.

89 Actinium Ac
13 Aluminum Al
95 Americium Am
51 Antimony Sb
18 Argon Ar
33 Arsenic As
85 Astatine At
56 Barium Ba
97 Berkelium Bk
4 Beryllium Be
83 Bismuth Bi
107 Bohrium Bh
5 Boron B
35 Bromine Br
48 Cadmium Cd
20 Calcium Ca
98 Californium Cf
6 Carbon C
58 Cerium Ce
55 Cesium Cs
17 Chlorine Cl
24 Chromium Cr
27 Cobalt Co
112 Copernicium Cn
29 Copper Cu
96 Curium Cm
110 Darmstadtium Ds
105 Dubnium Db
66 Dysprosium Dy
99 Einsteinium Es
68 Erbium Er
63 Europium Eu
100 Fermium Fm
114 Flerovium Fl
9 Fluorine F
87 Francium Fr
64 Gadolinium Gd
31 Gallium Ga
32 Germanium Ge
79 Gold Au
72 Hafnium Hf
108 Hassium Hs
2 Helium He
67 Holmium Ho
1 Hydrogen H
49 Indium In
53 Iodine I
77 Iridium Ir
26 Iron Fe
36 Krypton Kr
57 Lanthanum La
103 Lawrencium Lr
82 Lead Pb
3 Lithium Li
116 Livermorium Lv
71 Lutetium Lu

A-Z List of Elements in Alphabetical Order

12 Magnesium Mg
25 Manganese Mn
109 Meitnerium Mt
101 Mendelevium Md
80 Mercury Hg
42 Molybdenum Mo
60 Neodymium Nd
10 Neon Ne
93 Neptunium Np
28 Nickel Ni
41 Niobium Nb
7 Nitrogen N
102 Nobelium No
76 Osmium Os
8 Oxygen O
46 Palladium Pd
15 Phosphorus P
78 Platinum Pt
94 Plutonium Pu
84 Polonium Po
19 Potassium K
59 Praseodymium Pr
61 Promethium Pm
91 Protactinium Pa
88 Radium Ra
86 Radon Rn
75 Rhenium Re
45 Rhodium Rh
111 Roentgenium Rg
37 Rubidium Rb
44 Ruthenium Ru
104 Rutherfordium Rf
62 Samarium Sm
21 Scandium Sc
106 Seaborgium Sg
34 Selenium Se
14 Silicon Si
47 Silver Ag
11 Sodium Na
38 Strontium Sr
16 Sulfur S
73 Tantalum Ta
43 Technetium Tc
52 Tellurium Te
65 Terbium Tb
81 Thallium Tl
90 Thorium Th
69 Thulium Tm
50 Tin Sn
22 Titanium Ti
74 Tungsten W
118 Ununoctium Uuo
115 Ununpentium Uup
117 Ununseptium Uus
113 Ununtrium Uut
92 Uranium U
23 Vanadium V
54 Xenon Xe
70 Ytterbium Yb
39 Yttrium Y
30 Zinc Zn
40 Zirconium Zr

Also read: List of Chemicals on the Periodic TableChemical Elements in the Human Body