What Are the Career Options after Graduating From Chemical Engineering?

Study and career are the best choices to stand existing. However, you have to dive the career life. It is always being valid on whatever major that you choose. So, how about the Chemical Engineering graduated? Does that major make you find the difficulties in order to reach the career options? If the Chemical Engineering […]

4 Importance of Chemistry for Engineers and Its Application in Industries

Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the properties and physical and chemical characteristics of matter or matter and its interaction with energy. There are many differences that can be seen when comparing basic chemistry and modern chemistry. Basic chemistry comes from ancient times, namely in the days of scientists named alchemists. Importance […]

6 Chemicals Used in Cooling Tower Water Treatment

Cooling water tower system. Maybe some of us didn’t know what it is or maybe we even rarely heard about it or even see it. So before we talk about the chemicals used in it, we should know what cooling water tower system is, so that we can understand easier then. Cooling water tower system […]