Banned Chemical Spray Used on Food Crops Crossword – Clues – Answers

The Chemicals Banned Under FIFRA or The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act that underline the focus on agricultural chemical spray usage. It also raises questions on chemicals to spray on food crops crossword.

Banned Chemical Spray Used on Food Crops Crossword

Many farm groups consider spraying as a mild act of killing unwanted weeds or pest. Europe is far ahead of the United States when it comes to putting out bans. therefore, there are Chemicals Banned In Europe But Safe In The US. Here are some banned chemicals spray on food crops crossword

1. DDT

this pesticide consists of a mixture of isomer that proven powerful to handle agricultural problems. However, DDT also has proven to be Inorganic Toxic Substance In Water that causes water pollution and in danger to the environment.

Chemical spray with this substance into any food crops crossword can kill unwanted insects and plants that may endanger the crops with an indirect effect on human and environment. Among the first to receive any sign of contamination is the people that work in the farms.

2. Neonicotinoids

The neonic class such as imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam also receive bans from the Europe government while the USA is taking their time researching before putting any ban on these chemicals.

Nevertheless. this substance chemical on spraying various food crop success to destroy unwanted pest, but also affects other animals.

3. BHC

The common use of BHC or better known as Benzene Hexa Chlorine. It is a  garden chemical that also super effective as a crops spray killer methods that pose as mass destruction to disturbing plants to crops.

However, later studies discover that the soil that uses BHC as a chemical spray pollute the soil. Therefore, the land cannot be planted for about 3 to 5 years. It is awfully a long time with no guarantee the next crops will be successful.

4. Paraquat

This chemical receives a ban in China and the European Union but not in the U.S yet. Although, it is highly toxic and kills weeds on contact and studies that show to develop Parkinson’s disease, kidney damage and difficulty breathing.

The US is taking its time reviewing the chemicals. Paraquat is famous for The Drug Enforcement Administration’s spraying of Mexican marijuana fields and as suicide chemicals in Asia. Therefore, it is no surprise that not all ban this substance, due to its versatile usage than to handle crops. 

5. 1,3-D or 1,3-Dichloropropene

Also known as Telone, the chemical is actually a gas chemical spray or a fumigant in pesticide speak. Growers often spray it into the ground to sterilize the soil before planting.

However, as the gas evaporates easily, therefore, it sometimes escapes from beneath its tarp and travels into the air and can cause health issue such as cancer risk to the surrounding residents. The EU began to put ban and doze restriction to this substance since2007 because of its highly toxic risk to humans and animals.

6. HCN

This pesticides usage overtime would develop immunity to the unwanted pest. Therefore, even after spraying the food crops with this chemical there are studies that suggest the spraying can fail. Not only you manage to pollute the soil and crops but also the targeted pest is unmercifully eradicated.

Hydrogen Cyanide or HCN actually generated from a very organic matter, yams. The effective yet harmful fumigation chemical has a pale blue color and colorless in liquid form. There are many Types of Cyanide out there that show the versatility of this chemical.

7. Dieldrin

A very powerful chemical spray substance which is highly toxic that has Harmful Effects Of Using Chemical Fertilizers And Pesticides.

Moreover, the chemical is banned from production, export, import, trade or use. with no less than 1% or more of dieldrin forbid for any agricultural usage.

8. Lead

A metal substance that exists in the List Of Chemicals Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential that shown suspect to environmental issues and health problems. The long list of carcinogenic pesticides with lead base whow how severe the impact of chemicals on surrounding areas.

Moreover, lead and also other metal chemical pose thread to animal and contribute to their toxicity. It may kill unwanted plant and pest but it also affects other animals that actually do no harm to the soil. 

9. Diazinon

The common insecticide to kill earwigs is composed with Rhiosposporic acid ester that forbids pest to have any ability to function properly.

However, it also leads to the death of the respective animal. The common way of using this substance is by spraying the concentrated diazinon solution with water. Moreover, farmers can spray it onto the food crops such as vegetables every two weeks or more during chronic attack.

10. Parathion

Very toxic carcinogen pesticides that according to EPA, one of the many chemicals known to cause cancer also pollutant to the environment. it gives well result as a well-known pesticide that many pests fear of among cops and plantation start to fade while these vegetation continue to flourish. Yet, parathion has the possibility to be cancerous to human that pose danger.

11. Arsenic

There is a little portion of this chemical in several pesticides sprays to kill pest massively. this pesticide compound is among the many Chemicals Found In Pesticides that cause water and soil pollution when it remains on the ground in a long period of time.

It also creates air pollution as the chemicals spray taken by air and directed to other parts of non-targeted spots. It can accidentally be inhaled by people in the surrounding areas and create mass health issues.

Chemicals spray usage is to control pests and diseases on food crops. When chemicals are used, any droplets are produced that can remain in the air for sometimes and may be carried by wind away from the target area.

Sadly, chemicals spray cannot always be contained or controlled completely, despite the correct application. Often times it may drift over neighboring properties, waterways and can affect human health, animals or the environment.